Icon Kinder

Pediatrics at Ayurveda Doc

Ayurveda at a young age


The philosophy of Ayurveda can also bring many benefits to children. In my practice you will be competently cared for in the following subject areas:



In order to effectively treat allergies in children, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and the tolerance of external influences.


Respiratory diseases

In Ayurveda, respiratory diseases in children are treated on basis of causative factors.



I will help you to recognize depression in your child and take individual treatment measures in my practice.

Migräne bei Kindern

Migraines in children

I will show you how to recognize migraines in children and how they can be successfully treated.

Lernstrategien für Kinder und Studenten

Learning strategies for children and students

An adequate, type-specific learning strategy facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and promotes the thirst for knowledge.


Weight Management

Together with your child, I take the necessary measures to reduce and manage  weight as the basis for a healthier and more balanced life.

Your health check with the Ayurveda professional

Holistic, long-term treatment of childhood illnesses


I look at people holistically.  This also applies to children. Benefit from this differentiated medical perspective and make an appointment with me!

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